Planning Appeals

Planning Appeals


Outlining your options

One Planning Consultants can help turn things around when your application has been refused or conditions have been imposed by your Local Planning Authority (LPA) and you disagree with this.

Our team are experienced in submitting a wide range of planning appeals and are able to offer valuable professional advice outlining the options open to you.

Only applicants who made the original application or their appointed agents can appeal.

Where desired, our consultants can prepare and submit an appeal against the LPA’s decision on your behalf. This is made to the Planning Inspectorate.

Gathering supporting evidence, analysing other successful similar appeals and looking into local and national supporting planning policy are examples of the research our experts may undertake in support of your appeal.

One Planning Consultants can also assist with submitting an appeal against non-determination. This option is available where the LPA has failed to reach a decision within the statutory period (eight weeks for a typical householder development and 13 weeks for major developments).

Your appeal will be handled via one of four routes, depending on the proposed development:

  1. Householder Appeals Service (HAS)
  2. Written Representation Appeal
  3. Informal hearing
  4. Public inquiry

Visit our Information Guide for further details on these four routes.

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